
Nasya includes an oil massage of the face followed by steam inhalation and then the application of warm medicated oil that is inserted into the nasal cavity which helps to open up the channels and clear congestion of the sinus area, the session ends by inhalation of herbal smoke.

Nasya is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of herbal oils, powders, or juices to the nasal passages. It is a type of panchakarma, a set of cleansing and rejuvenating therapies in Ayurveda.

During a nasya treatment, a small amount of oil or other substance is applied to the inside of the nostrils. This can be done with a dropper, a special nasya pot, or a small cotton swab. The substance is allowed to penetrate the nasal passages and sinuses, where it is believed to have a number of therapeutic effects.

The specific substance used in a nasya treatment can vary depending on the individual’s dosha type and health needs. Common substances used in nasya include sesame oil, ghee, herbal powders such as triphala, and herbal juices such as ginger or turmeric juice.

Overall, nasya is believed to help maintain the health of the upper respiratory system, support mental clarity and focus, and promote overall health and wellbeing. It is often used as a complementary therapy in Ayurveda to support other treatments or as a standalone therapy for specific health issues.

Benefits of Nasya

Nasya is believed to have a variety of health benefits, including:

  • Relieving sinus congestion and respiratory issues
  • Reducing inflammation in the nasal passages and sinuses
  • Lubricating and moisturizing the nasal passages
  • Promoting mental clarity and focus
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Reducing stress and anxiety

Reduce Headaches: Nasya is believed to work for headaches by reducing inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses, which can alleviate pressure and pain in the head. In Ayurveda, headaches are believed to be caused by an imbalance in the doshas, particularly vata dosha. Vata dosha is associated with movement and can become imbalanced due to stress, poor diet, or other factors. When vata dosha is imbalanced, it can lead to tension and constriction in the head, which can cause headaches.

During a nasya treatment, a small amount of oil or herbal juice is applied to the inside of the nostrils. This can help to lubricate and moisturize the nasal passages, reducing inflammation and congestion. Additionally, the substances used in nasya may have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that can further alleviate headache symptoms.

Furthermore, nasya can help to balance vata dosha in the body, which can support overall health and wellbeing. By restoring balance to the body and mind, nasya may help to reduce stress and tension, which can contribute to headaches.

Reduce Allergies: Nasya is believed to work for allergies by reducing inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses, which can alleviate allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and congestion.

Allergies are a result of an overactive immune system that reacts to harmless substances such as pollen, pet dander, or dust mites. This reaction triggers the release of histamine, which causes inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and sinuses, leading to allergy symptoms. During a nasya treatment, a small amount of oil or herbal juice is applied to the inside of the nostrils. This can help to lubricate and moisturize the nasal passages, reducing inflammation and congestion. Additionally, the substances used in nasya may have anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties that can further alleviate allergy symptoms.

Furthermore, nasya can help to strengthen the immune system and balance the doshas in the body, which can help to reduce the frequency and severity of allergy symptoms. By promoting overall health and wellbeing, nasya may support the body’s natural ability to defend against allergens.

This treatment is great for helping with:

  • Hay fever or Sinus congestion
  • Migraine / Chronic headache
  • Cloudy head or dullness 
  • Poor sense of smell
  • Improved mental clarity / Depression 
  • Sleep 
  • Hormonal balance

Pre-Treatment Advice:

Don’t wear make-up to the treatment

Preferably done on empty stomach

Nasya should not be administered immediately after a bath, after a meal, during pregnancy, or those who have undergone nasal surgery. 

It is not advised for children below 7 years or people above 80 years.

Consult your practitioner if you have any concerns.

Post-Treatment Advice:

Warm salt water mouth gargling to clear throat

Drink warm water and eat light diet

Avoid washing face or bathing for 2-4 hours  

Try to remain in a place, which is not very breezy.

Avoid vigorous exercise after treatment