Did You Know? Simple Dietary Changes Can Prevent Disease by Aligning with the Seasons
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” ~Ayurvedic Proverb,. Have you ever wondered why summertime is all about salads, watermelon, iced teas, and fresh seafood on the barbecue, while winter draws us to warm,...
From Menopause to Cancer: How One Woman Transformed Her Health Naturally
In today’s interview, I sat down with Kylee Ratz, a remarkable client who embarked on a health journey that took her from managing menopause symptoms to facing an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis. Kylee’s story is one of courage, resilience, and...
From Fatigue to Vitality: How to Quickly Improve Your Health by Moving Up the Spectrum
As the great Roman poet Virgil once said, “The greatest wealth is health”—a statement as true today as it was in ancient times. Quite simply, without good health, it doesn’t matter how much money we have. Achieving success in life becomes secondary if we are...
Stop Blaming Menopause for Weight Gain: Here’s What Actually Works
Stop blaming menopause for your weight gain—it’s time to challenge that outdated thinking. Yes, menopause brings hormonal changes, but the truth is, there’s more to the story. In fact, how you respond to those changes—what you eat, how you move, and your mindset—plays...
How to feed your family when life is just too busy
By Dr Madhavi Kathiria Endless to-do lists and growing stress levels are contributing to a modern busyness epidemic. The statistics continue to roll in with the same message: in Australia three in four people say stress affects their health, two-thirds of working...
Ayurvedic medicated water
If you could drink a simple, but effective detox tea that clears your body of fake fat, which is really toxins in your lymphatic system, and literally strips centimetres and kilos from your body, would you be interested? Ayurvedic medicated water, or CCF tea, made...
Arthritis is a digestive problem and it’s not just affecting old people
The number of people diagnosed with arthritis has risen to an all-time high and sufferers are not just in their senior years either. Arthritis is becoming much more common, and affecting younger people than ever before, because our systems are being overloaded with...
How to create a morning routine to maximise your energy today – and everyday onwards
Are you one of those people who hits snooze on their alarm, before rolling out of bed, grabbing a coffee on the way out the door and then hitting the road cranky and stressed. If you are, by the time afternoon rolls around you are probably stressed and not quite...
10 opposites critical to good health
In Ayurveda it’s not just what you eat and how you eat, or the activities and lifestyle you are leading, it’s what these qualities are doing to your body. Each person has their own individual path to health – some people will be fine eating hot foods like ginger...
Not Exercising Is A Deadly Mistake. Here Are 6 Reasons You Need To Move Your Body
Have you exercised today? Have you exercised this week? We all know we need to exercise, or move regularly – but it surprises me that so many people still don’t. I recently read in the Sydney Morning Herald that one in two adults haven’t done any exercise in the last...