Module 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

Prakruti Explained

  • The Vata Body Type – Understanding Vata Prakruti (Vata Personality)
  • The Pitta Body Type – Understanding Pitta Prakruti (Pitta Personality)
  • The Kapha Body Type – Understanding Kapha Prakruti (Kapha Personality)

The Vata Body Type

Understanding Vata Prakruti (Vata Personality)

The Vata body type, or dosha, integrates the elements of air and ether and represents movement in the body.

  • Light body frame and low body weight
  • Less stamina and resistance to disease
  • Constipation and weight loss very common
  • Voice is either low and hoarse or high-pitched
  • Light and quick, or frail movement
  • Talkative
  • Light interrupted sleep
  • Visible network of veins on hands and legs
  • Nature and emotions are variable
  • Quick initiation of action, spontaneous
  • Quickness in passion, affection, aversion or disinclination
  • Learns quickly, tends to forget quickly
  • Lively, enthusiastic and creative
  • Difficulty in undertaking work that requires too much physical activity or constant attention
  • Lacks consistency in action
  • Dreams of activity, flying, fearful and anxious situations

The Pitta Body Type

Understanding Pitta Prakruti (Pitta Personality)

The Pitta body type, or dosha, combines the fire with the water element and stands for the energy principle.

  • Medium body frame and weight
  • Intolerance to heat and tendency to flush (dislikes hot drinks, food and environment)
  • Excessive hunger and thirst
  • Rapid digestion and metabolism
  • Lots of moles, freckles or pimples
  • Early appearance of wrinkles
  • Early balding and hair-falling tendency
  • Profuse sweat and urine, strong body odour
  • Softness in joints and muscles
  • Medium fertility
  • Sharp, intelligent and creative in nature
  • Radiant, valour, proud
  • Intense mood changes quickly
  • Requires a job in a cooler atmosphere with creative, intelligent work
  • Moderate speed to perform activities with moderate motivation
  • Dreams are fiery, angry, lightening, quarrels and struggles

The Kapha Body Type

Understanding Kapha Prakruti (Kapha Personality)
The Kapha body type, or dosha, integrates the elements of earth and water and represents the structure principle.

  • Hefty, robust and thick body frames with good, strong musculature
  • Good strength, immunity, vitality
  • Digestive and metabolic rate is slow
  • Longer life span with good health
  • Requires less food and drink
  • Smooth and deep voice
  • Smooth, delicate, fair skin
  • Thick, glossy, firmly-rooted hair
  • Large attractive and full “doe-like” eyes
  • Calm and quiet nature
  • Slow food intake and speech
  • Steady energy; slow and graceful in action
  • Low body temperature, sweats less
  • Strong, well-formed joints
  • Dislikes cold or humid climates
  • Good long-term memory
  • Slow and deliberate learning ability
  • Walks slowly with stable footsteps
  • Generous, intelligent, enthusiastic, strong, have plenty of means, resourceful
  • Can carry out work that is heavy or strenuous
  • Dreams are of birds, garlands, swans, river, lake, ocean and romantic events