7 Days to Reset, Refresh and Renew

An incredible opportunity to nourish your body, nurture your soul and awaken your senses in beautiful India.

As featured in

Are you ready to reset your health?

Our Health Dynamics Retreat in India is perfect for you if you are feeling stressed, tired, are overweight, or, lack energy (even if you believe you have been looking after your health).

The retreat is transformative.

It will help you turn things around, and achieve your goals.

What if you could take one week in paradise to transform your mind, body and spirit?

Do you have a compelling mission, or do you have a big vision that you know you could achieve if you were at your optimum health?

If you want to make a significant change in your life, then we absolutely encourage you to invest the week on yourself – the investment will pay off tenfold.

See what some of the last year retreat participants say below.

This 7 day retreat is for anyone who:

✓ Knows they need to focus on their health and need to have an environment that makes that happen. 

✓ Have tried many programs at home but have failed to get results.

✓ Have been struggling to lose weight, or get on top of some health challenges that they might be taking medication for and are just sick of it.

✓ Have lost their mojo and want that youthful vitality back.

✓ Think they don’t have time to go away for one week but subconsciouly know this is exactly the turning point they need.

During this retreat, you will experience revolutionary self insight.

We help you achieve this by providing you with your very own personal path to health based on your unique body and mind type.

You will be taken care of by world class experts in an inspiring program, that includes delicious food, nurturing treatments and world class learning to revitalise and rejuvenate you.

The Top Benefits of Participating in the Health Dynamics Retreat

A personalised path to health guided by your by your Health Dynamics Specialist

Get to know your body and mind type so you can apply the amazing principles you learn on retreat at home

Boost your energy and vitality and get your mojo back

Rejuvenate your body mind and soul




Your Retreat Inclusions

Our 7 day retreat is designed to kickstart your journey towards lastling Health and Wellbeing.

Your Retreat includes these features and benefits:


Freshly prepared delicious Ayurvedic dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner tailored to your body type and nature of the imbalance you are experiencing
Personally prescribed daily detoxification treatments

Gift pack with your herbal medicines and oils.

Ayurvedic consultation and outline of your personal rejuvenation program along with a follow up consultation during your stay

Fresh juices and herbal teas provided daily

Pre-detox prep plan one week before your arrive in Bali


Return airport transfers and logistics are all taken care of
Informative sessions on Ayurveda, diet and lifestyle
Cooking demonstrations
Optional Yoga Sessions
Optional Mediation Sessions
Presented by the founder and creator of the Health Dynamics Retreats – Jo Formosa

Before I went on the Health Dynamics retreat, I had a sore back and joints and my body would ache. I was stressed with the pressure of running a business and working on many changes in our company. So much so, I was having trouble feeling relaxed and happy and was gradually putting on weight — even exercise had become a burden and my energy levels were low.

After a week on the Retreat, the pain has disappeared. Being in a constant state of suffering used up a lot of my energy. Now my stress has melted away and I’m enjoying the challenges of my business. Previously it felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders – that has also shifted now. I could not be where I am, without a really clear head.

As a family, we also changed our diet – reducing the amount of meat, coffee and inflammatory foods we eat. It’s quite unbelievable to me that by changing my diet so little, I can feel so good.

If you want to make a significant change in your life, then go and invest the week on yourself – for me the investment has paid off tenfold.

David Hutchins

Typical Daily Schedule

Do One Thing Today that Your Future Self Will Thank You For

Dear Health Seeker,

Are you operating at your full potential or do you feel your body hinders you from living your life to the fullest? Most people sense that they could enjoy life more if their energy levels were higher, or their pain was less, but finding the right pathway to health for them is not easy. This is often because what works for some, will not work for others. We each need to find our own personal path for success. While there are many fitness plans and diet books which claim to be a “one size fits all”, we know that the reality is that there really isn’t any “ one size fits all” fix. Health Dynamics is different. It is the first system that gives you a personalized path to health based on your unique body type and mind type.

We are hearing new stories every day of people we look after, who having had health challenges and having tried many different programs without results, have turned this around with Health Dynamics.

Health Dynamics showed them their personalise path to wellness and guided them in how to balance their unique mind and body type. The first step in this process is by using the Health Dynamics Test which shows you which one of the 80 profiles types you are.

Our bodies were designed to heal themselves but so many of us are living in environments that leave us in a state of imbalance. People are so out of balance they don’t know where to start.

That is why we are running the Health Dynamics Retreats: Our retreats give you smart and personalised ways, that work today for your body type to accelerate your health and achieve optimal levels of energy and vitality, and help you achieve your goals.

You may have met me or know of me from my clinical practice or the Health Dynamics Test or the Health Spectrum test I co-created with Roger James Hamilton. These assessments have been used by hundreds of people to guide them on their personalised path to health. Working with top Ayurvedic Doctors and specialists around the world, I get to see the very latest research, formulas, tools and tips that are working best in today’s world. That is why I am bringing to you a personally designed program that takes you on a journey that quickly turns your body around. We will cleanse you and send you back with high levels of energy, clarity and lightness in your body where you feel like you can conquer anything.

Join me at the next Health Dynamics Retreat where we take only a small group of people so you receive one on one attention to accelerate your health goals.

I look forward to seeing you there

Your Program Leaders

To guide you through this transformation, we’ve assembled a team of leading health and well-being professionals, who have a passion for helping as many people around the world as possible. Our goal is to help you successfully make positive diet and lifestyle changes that leave you feeling, and being, the best version of yourself that you can be.

Jo Formosa

Jo Formosa

Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Clinical Director of Health Dynamics

Dip. App Sc. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Dip RMT, 

Renowned Ayurvedic practitioner, creator of Health Dynamics, media personality and speaker, Jo Formosa is the mastermind behind this program. She has helped thousands of people around the world lead a more vibrant and healthy life.

Dr Madhavi Kathiria

Dr Madhavi Kathiria

Ayurvedic Doctor and Naturopath

B.A.M.S.(Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)
H.Sc. Naturopathy

Ayurvedic Doctor and Naturopath Dr. Madhavi Kathiria has answered her calling for “getting to the root” of her clients’ health issues. Combining the evidence based integration of Ayurveda, naturopathy and DNA analysis, she uses her skills to help her patients heal themselves.

Dr. Kavita Parekh

Dr. Kavita Parekh

Ayurvedic Doctor

B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)
C.F.N.(Certificate in Food and Nutrition)

Ayurvedic Doctor Kavita Parekh specialities include Medical and Lifestyle consultation, Ayurvedic body treatments and beauty treatments, stress management, Neuromuscular diseases & pain management, Detoxification, and Anti-aging & rejuvenation treatments.

Health Dynamics Retreat takes the guesswork out of knowing what is right for you.

What is Health Dynamics?

Health Dynamics adds to a family of profiling tools that have been used by over 1 million people around the world to find and follow their flow. This is the first system to link your health (what naturally gets your body in flow), your wealth (what naturally gets your mind in flow) and your happiness (what naturally gets your spirit into flow).

By knowing your Health Profile, you can find your natural path to maximise your energy and minimise your stress. You will discover which foods to eat and which to avoid, the most natural way to get fit, stay healthy and sleep well, how to naturally lose or gain weight, and what conditions affect your health and why.

Health Dynamics has partnered with Wealth Dynamics to bring together a myriad of resources and ancient knowledge about body and mind so that you can unleash your best you. Whether it is a matter of health or wealth, many take the wrong steps, or take steps in the wrong order, and this prevents them from achieving the results they seek. With this knowledge you are available to you to discover your path to reaching your full potential and to reach optimal health in your body, your mind and your spirit.

With the enormous number of choices you have as to which path or formula to follow, how do you work out what choices are right for you? How do work out what path will set you on the journey to holistic health? Imagine if we knew what our body specifically needs in order to feel extraordinary. Imagine if we knew how to use our mind and our natural talents to operate at our full potential. The magic of Health Dynamics is that it gives you the ability to identify the path that uniquely fits your natural body type and mind type.


If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.