Module 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

Welcome to Day 6

We have slowly been reducing the foods that cause inflammation in the gut, but with food and drink such an ingrained part of our social structure, you’re probably wondering how you will be able to stick with your 28 day detox program and still socialise with friends and family?

Today might be one of those days where you want to go out, but don’t want to break your program.

A good tip is eat before you go out, once there just pick on things you know are in your program. Or why not go for hot water or herbal tea when you are out? Your body is going to love you for this, and you’ll boost your fluid intake to boot. Let’s face it, fasting is a great way to give your body a break!

By now you’ll be feeling lighter, more vibrant and enthusiastic and your cravings are probably becoming less of an issue.

As your gut health improves, so do the cravings – these are just a sign that the body is out of balance – so embrace this change!

Today you’ll stop eating, or at least do your best to cut back on cheese. In Ayurveda cheese is one of the main causes for clogging up your digestion and is best avoided – particularly the hard ones.

Watch today’s video to find out more about the negative effect of cheese on your body.