Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us, which is why we want to make sure that any personal information you give to us while using our Services is well protected. Before interacting with our Services, please read this Policy which sets out what information we collect from you and how we use it.

Please note that this Policy forms part of the Terms of Use, which you accept and agree to by continuing to use our Services.

What information do we collect and hold?

We may collect and hold a variety of information from you while using our Services. This may include information, which can be used to personally identify you (Personal Information). Some types of Personal Information we may collect includes your: name; age and date of birth; e-mail address; street address; telephone number and other contact details; credit card details; purchase and enquiry history with us; and any other information you disclose to us through interacting with the Services, our support team, message boards, surveys, promotional offers, reviews or otherwise.

We may also collect and hold other information about your interaction with our Services.

How do we collect Personal Information?

How we collect and store your Personal Information depends on which Services you use and how you choose to interact with them.

We generally collect Personal Information directly from you in the following ways: through your use of our Services; through communications between you and our representatives or support team; whenever you create an account with us; whenever you make purchases through us; and whenever you participate in our promotional offers or surveys.

We may also collect your Personal Information from third parties such as: our business partners and contractors, such as those who provide promotional offers related to us; social media sites where you have connected your account with our Services or where you have visited our social media pages such as those on Twitter and Facebook;  and advertisers; and mailing lists.

How do we hold Personal Information?

We generally store Personal Information in electronic form on third party servers and/or hard drive. We have a number of security systems and procedures in place designed to prevent any mishandling, loss or unauthorised access to your Personal Information.

Stored Personal Information about you may be combined or linked with any other information about you that we hold, including any information we receive from third parties.

How do we use Mobile/SMS numbers submitted?

By providing your mobile number, you give us consent to receive text messages and notifications for informational and promotional purposes. The frequency of messages may vary depending on your interactions with our website. Standard message and data rates may apply.

What do we use Personal Information for?

We hate junk mail as much as you do – we will never share, sell or rent your Personal Information to third parties other than as disclosed in this Policy.

We collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Information for the following purposes: to assess your identity and eligibility for the Services; to provide the Services; to provide you with updates on the Services; to provide you with news and information on promotional offers or competitions, upcoming events and products offered by us or our business partners; to provide support and communicate to you as our customer; to manage any accounts you have with us; to conduct our business operations; to process payments, transactions and delivery of orders to you; to provide information to our related bodies corporate; to our external service providers including, but not limited to, our data hosting partners and IT service providers; to display content and/or advertising that is relevant to you; our marketing, planning, research, maintenance and administrative purposes or those of our business partners; to provide to third parties where disclosed to you in this Policy or otherwise where authorised by you; to investigate any complaint made by or against you or to investigate any unlawful or improper use of our Services; as part of a transfer of our assets should we propose or proceed to sell, merge or otherwise alter ownership of our business; as otherwise required in connection with providing the Services;  and as permitted or required by law.

Other Information & Third Parties

Whilst you are using our Services, we, our advertisers, business partners and other third parties may also collect and hold other information by using cookies or other technologies. Cookies allow tracking and storage of information about your use of the internet and our Services either directly or through third parties, such as Google Analytics. In some cases, you can choose not to provide us with information by setting your browser to refuse cookies, however this may restrict your ability to fully interact with our Services.

Cookies are used by us for various reasons including to: store your username and password for any account you hold with us on a device so you do not have to re-enter it; generate statistical information and reports about your use of the internet and our Services; to understand your interests, demographic and location details to provide you with a more customised experience when using our Services; to personalise advertising to suit your interests and prevent the same advertisement appearing to you repeatedly; and to combine information about your usage patterns with similar information obtained from other users to help enhance our Services (e.g. to learn which pages are visited most or what features are most attractive).

We may also implement other technologies to obtain information for reasons similar to those above. This information may occasionally be shared with our advertisers and business partners, but this does not include Personal Information. However, please note that we cannot control or be responsible for the use of cookies or other technologies implemented by third parties.

Comments, promotional offers, blogs, advice, opinions or any other content or website that is created or hosted by a third party, but is accessed by you via our Services (through embedding, hyperlink or otherwise), may be subject to that third party’s own privacy and data collection policies and practices which may vary from our own.

If you voluntarily disclose Personal Information via a publicly accessible feature of our Services (such as a message board), you do so at your own risk, as third parties may access and use this Personal Information to send you unsolicited material.

International Disclosure of Personal Information

We carry on our business operations internationally. Our head office is based in Australia however, we also have business facilities, employees and contractors located Worldwide. Accordingly, we may disclose your Personal Information overseas for any of the purposes identified in this Policy, but mainly to our support team, data hosting provider and order processing team located outside Australia for the purposes of providing the Services.

We take reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipients handle your Personal Information in accordance with our Policy.

Accessing and updating your Personal Information

You have a right to request access to and seek correction of any Personal Information we hold about you. You can make this request via the contact details at the end of this Policy.


We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act).If you have complaints, comments or concerns regarding the Act or this Policy, please first contact us directly via the contact details at the end of this Policy. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible, but we ask that you allow us up to 30 days to respond before taking any other action.

Contact Details

For any queries relating to this Policy, please contact: Back2Health Pty Ltd, PO Box 3503, South Brisbane, Qld 4101, Australia Ph + 61 7 3255 0671 [email protected]

Alternatively, please use our contact us page.


We may update this Policy from time to time; the most current version of this Policy will always apply.


If you have any questions regarding this policy, or your dealings with our website, please contact us here: 

Health Dynamics 360 Pty Ltd and Back2Health Pty Ltd – last updated November 8, 2023